Environmental Services

ATI assists its clients as they remediate environmental damage. Whether the damage stems from extreme weather events (Hurricane Michael at Fort Tyndall AFB) or MMRP (Fort Missoula), ATI’s subject matter experts work with our clients to identify, plan for, and implement sustainable solutions that will lead to a more eco-focused and climate-resilient future.

Our clients, including the U.S. DoD agencies, USACE, EPA, DOE, and other federal and state government entities, trust ATI to help solve their most complex environmental challenges. Our goal is to safely clean-up legacy liabilities for redevelopment and deliver expertise on new infrastructure, sustainability, and environmental health and safety initiatives around the globe.

Our remediation and restoration professionals deliver innovative solutions to our clients’ toughest environmental clean-up challenges including heavy metals, organic contaminants, and emerging contaminants like per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). ATI helps its clients manage complex issues such as vapor intrusion, soil and sediment contamination on former military firing ranges, and groundwater impacts. Throughout the life of a project, ATI SMEs closely follow and ensure compliance with all relevant Federal, state, and local environmental regulations such as CERCLA, RCRA, CWA, CAA, TSCA, ESA, and NEPA.

  • USACE Omaha District
  • US Army, Ft. Belvoir
  • Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs, US Dept. of Interior
  • USACE Louisville, Baltimore, Mobile
  • Regulatory Compliance & Permitting
  • Site Characterization & Risk Assessment
  • Remediation & Restoration
  • UST/AST management and compliance
  • Water Resources
  • Needs Assessment and Audits
  • Modeling & Analysis
  • Forensic Analysis & Expert Testimony

Representative Projects

Connect With Us

Like to know more about our environmental services?

ATI, Inc.
9220 Rumsey Road, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21045 USA

By Email

Environmental Services
Contact : Kristen Daly, P.G.
Phone : (202) 680-3997
Location : Columbia, MD
