ATI awarded FHWA TFHRC NDE Lab Operations Task Order
ATI is pleased to announce that Highway Technology Partners, an ATI joint venture with SaLUT, Inc., has been awarded a 2+ year Task Order by the Federal Highway Administration to operate the FHWA Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory located at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, VA. The NDE Laboratory is a world-class facility for the development and testing of NDE technologies. This laboratory houses state-of-the-art NDE tools to support the program’s mission, and to address the growing needs of FHWA and other stakeholders to improve the performance and reduce the lifecycle cost of highway-infrastructure assets. The mission of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) NDE Laboratory is to conduct state-of-the-art research, development, and implementation of nondestructive testing systems and technologies to improve the Nation’s highway infrastructure assets. Since its establishment in 1998, the NDE Laboratory has been maintained as an open resource for the FHWA, State departments of transportation (DOTs), industry, and academia. The NDE Laboratory fulfills the need for unbiased expertise to evaluate emerging NDE technologies, as well as data analysis, fusion, and interpretation.
This Task Order was awarded to the Joint Venture under the TFHRC IDIQ multiple award Research & Technical Support for Infrastructure Laboratories contract we hold. Since 2014, ATI has operated the FHWA Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC) and since 2019, as managing partner of Highway Technology Partners LLC (HTP) Joint Venture (JV), the FHWA Mobile Asphalt Technology Center (MATC). Photo credit FHWA.