Nationwide NEPA Consulting Services – BIA
Bureau of Indian Affairs, US Dept. of Interior Contract A12PC00613
Environmental (Compliance and Remediation); Program Management
Federal Government
Prime Contractor
ATI provided NEPA coordination and construction program management for BIA’s nation-wide construction program from 2009 to 2016. ATI staffed offices in Aberdeen, SD and Gallup and Albuquerque, NM. ATI investigated, prepared, and/or reviewed compliance documents for over 100 construction projects nationwide. Specific services included:
- Compiled NEPA compliance status and progress reports for ARRA funded activities and projects in accordance with Council on Environmental Quality guidance;
- Assisted with the administration of FAR contracts on behalf of BIA for the preparation of NEPA related documentation by third parties;
- Coordinated the reviews of EAs or Categorical Exclusions with BIA’s Environmental Services staff;
- Provided recommendations regarding implementing NEPA and other environmental laws and regulations;
- Prepared and maintained updated spreadsheets to report the status of NEPA compliance; and
- Provided technical assistance and advice to project managers to resolve existing projects’ NEPA-related issues.
ATI also provided eight project managers who directed ARRA-funded construction projects nationwide, as well as IT support including data management system development.