Roof Inspection Services, BCPS
Baltimore County Public Schools, MD Contract MWE-804-14
Architecture & Engineering; Construction Management & Construction
Prime Contractor
Maryland, USA
ATI, as prime consultant, provides routine inspection services for existing roofs and construction inspection on an as-needed basis to Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) since September 2008. ATI personnel inspect all visible roofing system components including membranes, coping, curb, flashing, gutters, slope/drainage, and penetrations for leaks, damage, and other maintenance requirements. A report including the inspection results and complete color photographs of observed conditions are generated for each visit. ATI also provides construction inspection on roof repair and replacement projects, liaising with roofing contractors, architects, engineers, roofing manufacturer representatives, principals, and BCPS project coordinators as required.
ATI routinely inspects each school building twice a year and non-school buildings once a year. BCPS currently has 162 school buildings and 32 non-school buildings. On average, our inspectors complete 30 inspections and reports per month, based on a schedule determined by BCPS. To date, all assigned inspections and their associated reports have been completed on time.